If you think that Olivia and Isabella Alvarez are sitting in a box, think again, because "
IT'S NOT A BOX!" This is their special 'club house'. After reading
Not a box and
Not a stick by Antoinette Portis, children exercised their creative minds and created many things out of a box. Children had a choice of up to 3 boxes, they arranged the box(es), and then they shared with the group their new creation. Some of their ideas were the following: an elevator, a car, a train, a butterfly, a swimming pool, and many more ideas were shared. Also, if you think these girls are sitting in their 'club house' with a piece of the box, "
IT'S NOT A BOX....it's a
BOOK!" A book that they created out of cardboard.
Much fun was shared, as you can see in the picture on the right, children also enjoyed our fun-filled musical parade!