The Woodbridge Public Library's children's department would like to share information about our storytimes and special programs at the Henry Inman Branch Library.
On May 19th, children enjoyed singing and dancing to our local guitarist, Miss Kristen Mullen's tunes! Together we enjoyed some classic children songs, such as, I've been working on the railroad & The More We Get Together. Children participated in creating lyrics to "Down by the Bay" & enjoyed dancing to the Hokey Pokey tune altering our body parts to represent parts of the guitar (ex. head, neck, tuners (ears), ribs, saddle, sound hole (mouth),etc.) Our fun didn't stop here, children decorated their own unique guitars!! Leaving with smiles, lyrics, and tattoos!
Monkey see, Monkey do, our Monkeys love to hear stories, how about you?
Check out these stories: Jungle Bullies by Steven Kroll, Kiki's Blankie by Janie Bynum, Monkey and Me by Emily Gravett, I Love You, Little Monkey by Alan Durant OR pick up one of your favorite Curious George books by H.A. Rey TODAY!